Fast and Secure EMV Transactions
What is EMV?
EMV (Europay, MasterCard® and Visa®) chip technology has become the global standard for credit card and debit card payments. This technology uses embedded microprocessor chips to authenticate and secure chip-card transactions.
Speed up your EMV chip transactions
Speed up your transactions at the point-of-sale by using our best in class EMV solutions. Are your EMV transactions taking forever? Tired of long wait times at the register? Use one of our smart devices to speed your EMV transactions to reduce EMV authorization times to 3 seconds and watch your sales grow. Contact a specialist today to learn more.
Why is EMV chip acceptance important to your business?
As of October 1, 2015, banks and processing networks changed the way they handle certain types of credit card fraud. If you accepted a fraudulent credit card transaction prior to October 1, 2015 the banks would have absorbed the costs. Now if you swipe a counterfeit EMV chip card instead of dipping it through an EMV chip card reader you will be liable for that transaction. EMV and NFC (more on NFC) are both more secure ways to protect your business from fraud.
Things to remember about EMV: